Curation: Cristina Ampatzidou Organisation: Cristina Ampatzidou, Inés Crosas With the support of the whole CreaTures team that contributed ideas and suggestions and moderated the sessions. October 2020 – June 2022 Speakers: Sjef van Gaalen, Julia Lochman, Andrea Botero, Marketa Dolesjova and Namkyu Chun, Ruth Wolstenholme, Giuseppe Feola, Špela PetriČ, Pelin Tan and Katya Sander, Isabelle le Gallo and Sören Meschede, Maarten Hajer, Laura Pereira, Marjo Mäenpää, Christian Fieseler, Hilary Jennings, Vicki Couzens, Roy Bendor, Ana T. Amorim-Maia, Mianna Meskus, Cassie Robinson, Andrew Gryf Paterson, Genevieve Rudd, Martyna Miller, Josefina Buschmann, Daniela Camino and Michal Mitro, Ben Twist
CreaTures and Friends is a series of informal online seminars on creative practice, engagement and transformation, organised in the framework of the CreaTures (Creative Practices for Transformational Futures) project. Understanding and debating key concepts such as engagement, transformation and future(s) happened on all levels of collaboration within the research team. In order to expand these conversations beyond the consortium members, we initiated a series of informal, monthly seminars. The goal of the seminar series was to invite both creative practitioners and other researchers to informally present and discuss their work on engagement and sustainable transformations.
#1 Sjef van Gaalen – Functional Fictions, Futuring for Design Research in the Zoöp Project.
#2 Baltic Sea Lab meets CreaTures: Julia Lohmann in conversation with Andrea Botero, Markéta Dolejšová and Namkyu Chun
#3 Ruth Wolstenholme – Facilitating change: Sniffer’s journey and the increasing role of creative practices
In this closed seminar Sniffer, a Scottish charity and a CreaTures partner shared insights on the role of creative practices in transformations towards sustainability and resilience. Having worked in the environmental sector for over 25 years, as a knowledge broker and more recently in collaboration with creative practitioners, Ruth Wolstenholme reflected on our learnings from these processes and our aspirations in a conversation with Iryna Zamuruieva.
#4 Giuseppe Feola – Transformation to sustainability: theoretical roots and (some) research directions
#5 Špela Petrič – Of Algos, Plants and the Vegetariat
#6 Pelin Tan & Katya Sander – Resilient Infrastructures, Entangled Knowledge, Transversal Methods
#7 Isabelle le Galo & Sören Meschede – New Patrons: a methodology for a socio-political transformation through the arts, applied in Spain by Concomitentes
#8 Maarten Hajer – Situationist Politics: why we need to study drama to act on climate change
#9 Laura Pereira – Operationalising the Nature Futures framework
#10 Marjo Mäenpää – Creating a common vocabulary between creative practitioners and policy makers
#11 Christian Fieseler – The Artsformation Project: Creating A Better Digital Transformation through the Arts
#12 Hilary Jennings – Reimagining museums for a sustainable future
#13 Vicki Couzens – Life work and Living Legacy: remembering, reclaiming, regenerating and revitalising cultural knowledge and practice
Dr Vicki Couzens, Keerray Woorroong Gunditjmara creative and research fellow at RMIT relates insights and stories from her 40+ years actively working in Aboriginal community affairs; from her early years as a ‘non-creative’, through her emergence into the arts and creative cultural expression spectrum leading to her focus on language revitalisation; what this means for her, her family, clan and community now and into the future. – Cancelled
#14 Roy Bendor – Re-Imagining the City with Value Replacement Therapy
#15 Ana Terra Amorim-Maia – At the intersection of climate and gender justice: creative designs for inclusive climate action
#16 Mianna Meskus – Working in ‘the gap’: Methodological implications of interdisciplinary speculative collaboration
#18: An anthology of ongoing CreaTures ExPs: Andrew Gryf Paterson, Genevieve Rudd, Martyna Miller, Josefina Buschmann, Daniela Camino, Michal Mitro
#19 Ben Twist – Compliance or social transformation: What is the role of a cultural development agency in a climate emergency?
Creative Carbon Scotland spent nine months working with the staff and board of Creative Scotland, Scotland’s development agency for the arts, screen and creative industries, to write a Climate Emergency & Sustainability Plan. Ben Twist outlined the process, the outcome and what it might mean for the creative and cultural sectors in Scotland.