Mobile city simulation game design for Play the City, 2011
Team: Ekim Tan, Cristina Ampatzidou
Commissioned by the International New Town Institute
INTI Ville is a mobile city simulation game designed for the Flevopolders of the Netherlands. An evolutionary new town grows as players sequentially pick the most suitable location for their own home, a public school, culture center or an industrial complex. As paradoxical as it sounds this alternative interactive city making process delivers a new town with recognizable urban fabric patterns, but without a pre-defined plan.
On July 2nd 2011, we presented this simple urban design game at the Buurtmakrt of Van der Pekbuurt in Amsterdam. Passers by, of all ages were invited to place houses, shops, religious buildings, offices, schools to create small urban formations. Each player had to respect what the others have done previously and soon areas of distinct characters started to emerge.