An as-complete-as-can-be list of publications, lectures, creative works, and other engagements.
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Journal Articles
Ampatzidou C., Vervoort J., Falay von Flittner Z., Vaajakallio K. (2022), New Insights, New Rules: What Shapes the Iterative Design of an Urban Planning Game?, Urban Planning, 7(2), 295-305, DOI
Botero, A., Dolejšová, M., Choi, J. H-j. and Ampatzidou, C. (2022). Open Forest: Walking with Forests, Stories, Data, and Other Creatures. interactions 29 (1) 48–53. DOI
Ampatzidou C., Gugerell K. (2019) Mapping Game Mechanics for Learning in a Serious Game for the Energy Transition, International Journal of E-Planning Research
Ampatzidou C., Gugerell K. (2018) Participatory Game Prototyping – Balancing domain content and playability in a serious game design for the Energy Transition, CoDesign, 15:4, 345-360, DOI
Ampatzidou, C., Gugerell, K., Constantinescu, T., Devisch, O., Jauschneg, M., & Berger, M. (2018). All Work and No Play? Facilitating Serious Games and Gamified Applications in Participatory Urban Planning and Governance. Urban Planning, 3(1), 34-46, DOI
Devisch, O., Gugerell, K., Diephuis, J., Constantinescu, T.,Ampatzidou, C. and Jauschneg, M. (2017) Mini is beautiful. Playing serious mini-games to facilitate collective learning on complex urban processes, Interaction Design and Architecture(s), (35)141-157
Ampatzidou C. Molenda A., (2015) New Media for Old Cities: The emergence of the new collective, in Footprint Delft Architecture Theory Journal, Commoning as differentiated publicness: emerging concepts of the urban and other material realities, Issue 16, Volume 9, Number 1
Ampatzidou, C., Bedö, V., Ntourakos E. (eds) (2023) Three-Tier Garden: More-than-Human Choreographies in the Post-COVID City, Rotterdam, Basel, DOI
Ampatzidou, C., Bouw, M., van de Klundert, F., de Lange, M. de Waal, M. (2015) The Hackable City: A research manifesto and design toolkit, Amsterdam: Amsterdam Creative Industries Publishing.
Book Chapters
Ampatzidou C., (2020) Lessons About Learning from Serious Games: The Learning Potential of Co-creation and Gameplay in Participatory Urban Planning Processes, in van den Dool L. (eds) Strategies for Urban Network Learning. Palgrave Studies in Sub-National Governance. Palgrave Macmillan, Cham
Verstraete G., Ampatzidou C. (2019) Chewing Gum and Graffiti: Aestheticized City Rhetoric in post-2008 Athens, in Dibazar P., Naeff J. (eds.) Visualizing the Street: New Practices of Documenting, Navigating and Imagining the City, Amsterdam University Press
Ampatzidou C. (2018) Reinventing the rules: emergent gameplay for civic learning, in De Lange M., De Waal M. (eds.) The Hackable City: Digital Media and Collaborative Citymaking in the Network Society, Springer, Singapore, DOI
Ampatzidou C. (2018) The Architect, the Player, the Storyteller: Using Games to make Places Speak, in Corbellini G. (ed.) Telling Spaces, Siracusa: LetteraVentidue
Gugerell, K., Funovits, P., & Ampatzidou, C. (2018) Daredevil or socialiser? Exploring the relations between intrinsic motivation, game experience and player types in serious games with environmental narratives. In O. Devisch, L. Huybrechts, & R. De Ridder (eds.), Participatory Design Theory. Routledge.
Gugerell, K., Platzer, M., Jauschneg, M., Ampatzidou, C., Berger, M. (2018). Game Over or Jumping to the Next Level? How Playing the Serious Game ‘Mobility Safari’ Instigates Social Learning for a Smart Mobility Transition in Vienna. In: Bisello, A., Vettorato, D., Laconte, P., Costa, S. (eds) Smart and Sustainable Planning for Cities and Regions. SSPCR 2017. Green Energy and Technology. Springer, Cham. DOI
Cristina Ampatzidou, Jere Kuzmanic, Ania Molenda, Negar Sanaan Bensi, Ameneh Solati, Marta Roy Torrecilla (2018) Housing as a Human Right and a Monument to Diversity in Minkjan, M. (ed.),Letters to the Mayor: Rotterdam, Het Nieuwe Instituut
Amateur Cities (Ampatzidou, C. & Molenda, A.) (2016) Matters of Debate, in Rob Wilson, Kafka, G., Lovell, S., Shipwright, F., and Heilmeyer, F. (eds.) Archifutures: The Studio, dpr-barcelona
Licari G., Ampatzidou C., (2013) Swinging the Lamp, in Satellietgroep, Heerema J. (eds) In between PS1 New York and Shanghai, Satelietgroep, Den Haag
Ampatzidou C., (2012) Keeping the community together, artists’ presence as a tool of urban regeneration and social cohesion, in Alexios Defner, Nicolas Karachalis, (eds) Place Marketing and Branding – International Experience and Greek Reality (in greek), University of Thessaly Press, Volos
Conference Proceedings
Ampatzidou, C., Dolejšová, M., Choi, J. H-j. and Botero, A. (2022). Feral Ways Of Knowing And Doing: Tools And Resources For Transformational Creative Practice. In Proceedings of the 2021 Pivot Conference: Dismantling Reassembling – Tools for Alternative Futures. OCAD University, July 22-23, 2021, DOI
Dolejšová, M., Choi, J.H-j., Botero, A. and Ampatzidou, C. (2022). Open Forest: Data, Stories, and Walking-With. In Participatory Design Conference 2022: Volume 2 (PDC 2022 Vol. 2), August 19–September 01, 2022, Newcastle upon Tyne, United Kingdom. ACM, New York, NY, USA. DOI
Hakio, K., Dolejšová, M., Mattelmäki, T., Choi, J.H-j. and Ampatzidou, C. (2022). Following Seals and Dogs: Experimenting with Personal Dimensions of Transformative Design. In Participatory Design Conference 2022: Volume 2 (PDC 2022 Vol. 2), August 19–September 01, 2022, Newcastle upon Tyne, United Kingdom. ACM, New York, NY, USA, 6 pages. DOI
Dolejšová, M., Ampatzidou, C., Houston, L., Light, A., Botero, A., Choi, J. H-j., Wilde, D., Altarriba Bertran, F., Davis, H., Gil, F., and Catlow, R. (2021). Designing for Transformative Futures: Creative Practice, Social Change and Climate Emergency. In Creativity and Cognition (C&C ’21), June 22, 23, 2021, Virtual Event, Italy. ACM, New York, NY, USA DOI
Ampatzidou, C. Gugerell, K., Diephuis, J., Devisch, O., Constantinescu, T., Jauschneg, M., & Berger, M., (2015) The Mechanics of Playful Participatory Processes. In Proceedings of the conference Design, Social Media and Technology to Foster Civic Self-Organisation, 21-22 May 2015, Hasselt, Belgium
Ampatzidou C., Molenda A., Kekou E., (2013) Online Citizens- Offline Cities, in Charitos D., Theona I., Dragona D., Rizopoulos H., Meimaris M. (eds.), Proceedings of the Biennal Conference Hybrid City 2013 – Subtle (R)evolutions, University Research Institute of Applied Communication, Athens
Kekou E., Ampatzidou C., (2013) Getting the Puzzle together of Media art and ecology in a political frame, in Next Ecology, Amber ’11 Art and Technology Conference proceedings, BIS-Body Process Arts Association, Istanbul
Conference Presentations & Panels
Dolejšová, M., Botero, A., Hee-Jeong Choi, J. and Ampatzidou, C. (2022). Walking in the Open Forest: Playing with Stories and Data. In GamiFIN Conference – GamiFOREST track (online)
Ampatzidou, C. (2021). What kind of cities do we (want to) play?, Media Architecture Biennale 2021 (online)
Ampatzidou, C., Dolejšová, M., Choi, J. H-j. and Botero, A. (2021). Feral Ways Of Knowing And Doing: Tools And Resources For Transformational Creative Practice. 2021 Pivot Conference: Dismantling Reassembling – Tools for Alternative Futures (online)
Ampatzidou, C., Choi, J. & Gil, F. (2021). Mapping instances of Co-evolution in the Commonspoly game actor network. Transformations conference 2021 (online)
Ampatzidou, C. & Houston, L.(2021). Mapping transformative entanglements in creative practice. Transformations conference 2021 (online)
Ampatzidou, C., Vervoort, J., Light, A., Wolstenholme, R., Mattelmäki, T., Lindström S., Kárpáti, A. & Vella, R. (2021). Creative Resourcefulness for Sustainable Futures . Helsinki Design Week 2021, Finland (online)
Choi, J. H-j., Botero, A., Ampatzidou, C., Beavers I., Dolejšová, M., Jain, A. & Lohmann, J. (2021). Re-membering with Fantastic Creatures. Eco-creativity: Art, Music, Ritual and Global Climate Politics. Milton Keynes, UK (online)
Dolejšová, M., Ampatzidou, C., Choi, J. H-j., Botero, A., Beavers, I., Pokrywka, A., Van Amstel, F., Satomi, M. & Perner-Wilson, H. (2021). Feral Creative Practices Panel. Uroboros 2021 festival (online)
Vervoort, J., Light, A., Houston, L., Ampatzidou, C. , Milkoreit, M. & Gupta, A. (2021). CreaTures: imagination, earth system governance, transformation. 2021 Bratislava Conference on Earth System Governance (online)
Ampatzidou, C. (2019) The Virtual Geographies of Conflict: Representation of Spaces of War and Migration in Video Games. International Conference of Critical Geography, University of Athens, Greece
Ampatzidou, C. (2018) Games as Open Interfaces – Lessons for Planners, NECS 2018 Conference – Media tactics and engagement,University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Ampatzidou, C. (2017), Digital Voice for everyone – Media for inclusions and exclusions in the smart city. Stadmakers Congress, AIR, Rotterdam, The Netherlands
Ampatzidou, C., Gugerell, K. (2017) Playing our way to the Energy Transition: a serious game for Groningen, The Netherlands, 2017 AESOP Congress, Lisbon, Portugal
Ampatzidou C. (2017) Emergent Gameplay – What’s in it for planners?. 15th meeting AESOP Planning & Complexity Workgroup Crossing over with Complexity: Co-evolution in Planning, Ghent, Belgium
Ampatzidou, C. (2017) Architectural Game Stories. WIP – Intensive Design Workshop,Faculty of Architecture, University of Trieste, Gorizia, Italy
Ampatzidou C. (2016) Game prototyping with and for people. INTETAIN 2016, Utrecht, The Netherlands
Ampatzidou, C. (2016) Cocreation without Equality? Cocreation without Justice?. Connecting Cities Symposium, iMal, Brussels, Belgium
Ampatzidou, C. (2015) Between Agency and Governance: startegies for hackable citymaking. In Digital Cities 9: Hackable Cities: From Subversive City-making to systemic change. Communities and Technologies, Limerick, Ireland
Ampatzidou, C. (2015) Chewing Gum and Graffiti: the aestheticized city rhetoric in post-2008 Athens. Transformations in Media, Citizenship and Participation in post-2008 E.U – Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence workshop, Center for European Studies, University of Florida, United States
Ampatzidou, C. Gugerell, K., Diephuis, J., Devisch, O., Constantinescu, T., Jauschneg, M., & Berger, M. (2015) The Mechanics of Playful Participatory Processes. Design, Social Media and Technology to Foster Civic Self-Organisation, Hasselt, Belgium
Ampatzidou C., Molenda A. (2014) Building Stories – the architectural design process as narrative, in Digital Storytelling in Times of Crisis, Athens, Greece
Boess, S., Ampatzidou C., (2014) Participation in big change: the example of a renovation, Workshop World Usability Day symposium 2014, Design Lab Twente, The Netherlands
Ampatzidou, C. (2014) Commodifying Locality: a Trojan horse to the enclosure of the commons. Becoming Local, Transforming Spaces, Redefining Localities, Laboratoire Architecture Anthropologie, Faculty of Architecture Paris la Villette and AESOP, Paris, France
Lectures & Teaching
Space and Play (2020) Lecture series for the Culture Theory Series program, Rotterdam Academy of Architecture
Co-designing a Serious Game (2020) Guest tutor at the Institute of Housing Studies, Erasmus University Rotterdam
Serious Games and the City – Making Urban Planning and Policy through Games (2020) Guest lecture at the Faculty of Architecture, University of Costa Rica
Kitchens: The design evolution of a home’s smartest space (2019) Public lecture organized by Vrouwen voor Rotterdam for International Women’s Day, Rotterdam, The Netherlands
Spatial Solidarity in post-2008 Athens (2018) Guest lecture at Harvard GSD
Architectural Game Stories (2017) Guest tutor and lecturer at the Faculty of Architecture, University of Trieste, Gorizia, Italy
Amateurism as a creative attitude towards career and work (2017) Guest lecture at Faculty of Urban Studies, University of Amsterdam
Write, Design, Play, Write (2016) Guest lecture at Faculty of Urban Studies, University of Amsterdam
Amsterdam Hackable Metropolis (2015) Guest lecture at Faculty of Media Studies, University of Amsterdam
Can Plans be Played? (2015) Guest lecture at the Integrated Planning and Urban Strategies specialization, Institute of Housing Studies, Rotterdam
Amsterdam Hackable Metropolis (2014) Guest lecture at the Faculty of Media Studies, University of Amsterdam
Urban Body (2011) Assistant course coordinator & guest teacher of design studio, Faculty of Architecture TU Delft
Non-academic writing
Ampatzidou, C., Choi, J. H. (eds.) (2022) Understories – CreaTures Zine.
Ampatzidou C., Molenda, A., Gloerich, I. (eds.) (2020) Radical Care: Embracing Feminist Finance, Amateur Cities,Institute of Network Cultures
Ampatzidou, C. (2018) Ernstig spelen met de stad, Blauwe Kamer 3/2018
Ampatzidou C., Molenda A. (2018) Bottom-up Turned Inside Out, Amateur Cities
Molenda A., Ampatzidou, C. (2017) Is Fair Building Possible?, interview with Michal Gdak, Amateur Cities
Ampatzidou C. (2017) No Happy Endings, interview with Lea Schönfelder, Amateur Cities
Ampatzidou C. (2017) Technology, Creativity and the future of Cities, interview with Christopher Lindinger, Amateur Cities
Ampatzidou, C. (2016) From the Bottom and the Top – Powering Athens through collectivity and informal initiatives, Uncube Magazine No. 43
Ampatzidou, C. (2016) Desert Blues – an interview with curator Malkit Shoshan, 27 January 2016, Uncube Magazine
Molenda A., Ampatzidou, C. (2016) Towards Collective Subjectivity, interview with Alex Foti and Trebor Scholz, Amateur Cities
Molenda A., Ampatzidou, C. (2016) Play and Imagination Against Debt, interview with Steyn Bergs and Cassie Thornton, Amateur Cities
Molenda A., Ampatzidou, C. (2016) The Price of Surveillance, interview with Emily Rosamond and Arthur Röing Baer, Amateur Cities
Molenda A., Ampatzidou, C. (2016) The Unobvious Ways of City Making, interview with ZUS, Amateur Cities
Ampatzidou C., Molenda A. (2016) Walking across Actual Territories, interview with Lorenzo Romito, Amateur Cities
Ampatzidou C., Molenda A. (2015) No one owns the beach: On time and public space on and offline, interview with David Horvitz, Amateur Cities
Ampatzidou C., Molenda A. (2015) Fewer Regulations, More Open Source and a Broader View, interview with Mark van der Net, Amateur Cities
Molenda A., Ampatzidou, C. (2014) On Amateurs, Amateur Cities
Ampatzidou, C. (2013) Rising from the Ground – a house in Sikamino, Greece by Tan Architects, 27 March 2013, Uncube Magazine
Ampatzidou, C. (2012) It could have been my grandfather up there, film review of Seán Ó Cualáin, Men at Lunch, 2012, Architecture Film Festival Rotterdam
Ampatzidou, C. (2012) Automat Dialogues, Architecture Film Festival Rotterdam
Ampatzidou, C. (2009) Lessons about Recycling, film review of Mai Iskander, Garbage Dreams, 2009, Architecture Film Festival Rotterdam
Ampatzidou C. (2009) Everyday life on the offshore metropolis, film review of Marc Wolfensberger, Oil Rocks – City above the sea, 2009, Architecture Film Festival Rotterdam
CreaTures Festival (2022) Real Fábrica de Artillería, Seville, Spain
Data Vitality: Soft Infrastructures and Economies of Knowledge exhibition (2021) Dipoli Gallery, Helsinki, Finland
Letters to the Mayor (2018-2019) The New Institute, Rotterdam, The Netherlands
Dutch Design Awards (2018), Dutch Design Week, Eindhoven, The Netherlands
Possibility Space, Over hundred years of Transformations in six European Squares, (2017), Warsaw under Construction 9 festival, Museum of Contemporary Art Warsaw, Warsaw, Poland
Games for Cities Pop-up expo (2017) The New Institute, Rotterdam, the Netherlands
Making Almere Architecture Festival (2012) curated by the International New Town Institute (INTI) as part of the International Architecture Biennale Rotterdam (IABR), CityMall Almere, The Netherlands
Topophilia (2011) curated by Kayla Romberger and Alisha Wessler, Work • Detroit, Detroit, USA
SE_ARCH, Architecture as Research (2010) Dynamo Project Space, Thessaloniki, Greece
On South – exhibition on art & urbanity (2008) curated by Ivo van der Baar and Kamiel Verschuren, CBK Rotterdam, The Netherlands